Monday, November 7, 2011

Where is the Love?

Chivalry and Romance. I must say that these are two of my favorite topics to discuss with both men and women. The women who have high standards and the men who give what they can and still see no appreciation. "Romance doesn't exist. Chivalry is dead." Is often what I hear from several women, while the men beg to differ. Here is what Dr. Sasha has to say about all of this... 

Stop living in a fantasy world. We live in a time where things are not like you see or read in fairy tales. YOU make your own fairy tale. If your man sends you a text to say that he misses you, don't ignore it because you prefer for him to write you a long letter expressing his feelings for you. Men do or in this case, don't do things based on the reaction they get from you. They usually start off small or very subtly because they want to see if it's really worth putting in the effort to go that extra mile for you. 

This reminds me of an episode of "My Wife & Kids" where Michael goes to buy his wife a present and calls her on the phone to ask her a question. She rushes him off the phone because she is busy at home. He buys her a pearl necklace rather than the diamond one all because of her tone of voice when he called. When he presents her with the gift she loves it, until their son tells her if her attitude at the moment Michael called her would've been better she would've gotten diamonds. 

In general we need to appreciate everything our significant other does for us without comparing our relationship to those around us, or even worse, those we see on TV and movies. Those relationships are scripted. We can not generalize a whole species. Men, you can't say ALL women don't know how to appreciate a good man. And ladies, you shouldn't say that ALL men lack romance, because this is simply not true. 

Let me just clarify, that this doesn't mean you have to settle. If you really do believe that you deserve more than you're getting, if anything, then it's up to you to make that move and kindly exit the relationship. There are no if's, and's or but's about feelings and the heart never lies. Once you find that someone to make you forget about everything you thought you knew about love, then shut up and just be happy. 

Stop looking for love in all the wrong places.. and I guarantee you'll agree with me.

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