Sunday, November 6, 2011


Have you ever been somewhere and seen the couple who won't take their hands off each other? You know exactly what I mean. You're minding your business and from the corner of your eye you see some nonsense going on. I find this to be soooo annoying. I'm not only referring to people who need a room, but the cornballs who call their significant others those dreadful nicknames in public and insist on treating them like a baby. There are certain things that couples should keep to themselves. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater by any means. Quite the contrary; I'm a big romantic mush myself. I just believe there's a place and time for certain things. The whole PDA thing is just so overrated. Everyone has that friend who updates his (though it's usually a "her") status every so often letting the world know just how wonderful their "babycakes" is. UGHH!!

"I have the best boyfriend, he brought me a cup of juice!!" 

Don't laugh. You know very well you've seen these statuses and can't help but shake your freakin head. Some people might be thinking "oh, she's just like that b/c no one's ever done anything nice for her." If this is what you're thinking, you're mistaken. I've had significant others rub my back, play with my hair, and go to the store in the middle of the night to buy me ginger ale because I'd been sick to my stomach. Don't get it twisted. I'm just tired of people feeling the need to broadcast every nice gesture that comes their way. I mean, this is your boyfriend/girlfriend, or the person you're dating... aren't things like this supposed to happen? Sometimes I feel like these people post things up to reassure themselves that they're happy. 

My mom says I'm a cold person.. I'm not. I show emotion and I love hard. I appreciate the people who have gone out of their way to make me feel loved and appreciated.. and that doesn't necessarily have to be done in front of other people or through social media. Will I hold your hand and give you a kiss if we're out? Of course I will. Just because we're in the same room doesn't mean we have to be on top of each other. That's a whole different post though.. clingy partners.. ugh don't get me started. 

So with this I leave you one word of advice. Keep your pet names to each other behind closed doors, no one wants to here or read about your "cuddlebucket" all day long. 

The advocate of private relationships

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