Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Best Birthday Ever.. Again!

Here we are again.. It's that time of year.. My birthday! 

I know I said this in last year's birthday post, but THIS was definitely the best birthday ever! I mean, at least it doesn't get worse, right?! I'll tell you the story and you'll understand why I may have just had the best day of my life. 

I decided very early on this year that I would be traveling for my birthday. As I've gotten older I want to keep things a little more low key, and I've always wanted to spend my birthday soaking up the sun somewhere. Last month I booked my eight day trip to Miami to spend some time with family and friends just as I had imagined.. on the beach. 

Here's where things get interesting... The day before I flew out, Angie Martinez tweeted about a contest for a private studio session at a secret location with none other than Alicia Keys. As always, I immediately decided that I was going to sign up. Unfortunately, I was not able to sign up from my phone so I let it go. 

When I got home to pack that night, despite everything being so hectic, I remembered to log online to sign up for this contest. Now, I sign up for all things related to Alicia on a regular basis, but I figured "why not?" I filled out the quick application and turned off my computer, making this just one of the million entries I've completed. 

The next morning, I flew into the sunshine state and went to my friend's job. While I was getting my lunch I noticed that I had a missed call. I immediately recognized the number being from the radio station and called back. The girl who answered asked if I was Sasha, and when I said yes, she asked if I had signed up for this studio session with Alicia Keys. I really just thought that she was going to give me some more information on it, instead she said "you won!" My response was "No I didn't!" And I continued to insist that I didn't win until I figured I was being annoying. 

I was afraid to ask when the session was since I was not in Jersey. Good news! It fell exactly on the night of my birthday. Bad news! I would still be in Florida. When I told her, she thought I wasn't going to make it. Ohh, but I would be there. As soon as I hung up I ran to a computer to change my flight. My birthday plans had changed, but it was for the better. My vacation was cut short by FOUR days! I had a whole itinerary for my time there but hey, when Angie calls, YOU ANSWER!

Needless to say how excited I was to be going to this session, and obviously I was taking Kathy as my guest. Do you remember her from last year? We were a little more organized this time around and kept questioning what would be awaiting us. The secret location, by the way, was an awesome studio with lots of history. We got to the line and made a few friends and a lot of small talk. No one knew what to expect. 

Once we got inside, we were greeted by massive amounts of food, drinks, and the best cupcakes I've ever had in my life. Kathy and I sat in the second row, directly in front of the chairs where Angie and Alicia would be sitting. When Angie came out, she had brief conversation with us and got us more pumped up. Can I mention how much I love her though? She is seriously one of the biggest inspirations for the type of person I'd like to be on a professional level. I went to her BBQ this summer and have been following her work for as long as I can remember. I even learned to rap Busta's part in "Look At Me Now" because of her! 

Sorry, I got sidetracked. Anyway, Alicia came in and I was starstruck. I mean, just kidding. She is my BFF, so this was regular to me. We got to listen to a few tracks from her new CD, and a few throwbacks. In between songs she would come up to the audience to talk to us, and every time she walked by us I'd yell out "hey girl!" as I obviously do to all of my friends. Kathy was embarrassed! 

After the event was over, we were able to go take pictures with Alicia. When it was my turn I walked up to her to give her a hug and let her know it was my birthday. We took the picture we were asked to keep walking, BUT I stopped to talk to her. She vaguely remembered me from the meet & greet last year, wished me a happy birthday, and thanked me for going. She is all kinds of awesome and I am and will always continue to be a supporter of her in any way she chooses to express herself to us. Music, plays, movies, books.. I can't even describe my love for her. 

On our way out I was looking for Angie, and found her. She is also a sweetheart and took the time to talk to me as well. I can't complain about anything right now and you can find me walking on sunshine. It has been a whirlwind year and I started it the same way I ended it. Everything has come full circle. We're making this Alicia Keys/Birthday thing a tradition. Mark my words.. remember I said that last year too! Don't doubt me. 

By the way.. did you buy "Girl on Fire" yet? I got my copy today and I'm loving it! 

Until next time.

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