Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why Your 20's Aren't All That

If you're still not in your 20's or are fresh into them.. take this as a disclaimer to exit this page immediately. You're in for a rude awakening. 

I'm no expert, but I'll tell you what I am: A 20-something-year-old, single, young woman with two degrees, tons of student loan debt, who still lives at home with her parents. 

I'll tell you what, when I was growing up, I had this bright future mapped out for my 20-something-year-old self. I would go to college, once I graduated I'd be living in my own apartment on River Road in Edgewater (because with TWO degrees I should be able to afford it), I'd be driving a Lexus and would be building my future with an equally ambitious and accomplished man.

Being in your 20's is an adjustment phase. I thought it was something that only my generation goes through, but unfortunately it's the reality of life. Almost everyone who I speak to that is over 30 says their 20's were stressful and probably the toughest years of their life. 

Here are a few reasons why your 20's kind of suck:

1. You can't rent a car until you're 25

2. Most hotels won't let you rent a room until you're 21

3. Car insurance is expensive as hell 

4. You're too old to be sneaking around

5. You're too young to be sneaking around

6. Your sex life.. that's all I'll say about that

7. People around you start having babies and getting married which can make you question your own life... often

8.  After college you find yourself sharing a room with your siblings, living out of bags and storage bins, or sleeping on a twin sized bed

9. You want to go out but you can't because most of your friends have kids 

10. You're still uncomfortable telling or hearing sex jokes in front of older relatives

11. You're always being questioned about why your job has nothing to do with your degree

12. You realize that your life is BORING 

I'm sure there are several other things that I need to prepare myself for as I continue to go deeper into my 20's... but on the bright side.. they don't last forever!

What are some other difficulties you faced or are facing in your 20's? Please feel free to share below!!

-Follow me on Twitter @TrulyMsP