Thursday, December 8, 2011

How to Be Happy

What happens when the life you had planned for yourself isn't exactly turning out to be what you expected? At the very least you have a sense of disappointment in yourself and everything around you. It is something I'm currently going through, and see people everywhere are in the same boat. Think back to when you were a kid. How did you see your life as an adult? I'm sure at the core of every one of our childhood visions for our future was being happy. I've slowly began to realize that happiness is a state of mind. It doesn't just happen. You have to want to be happy and believe that you are. If you've ever read "The Secret", you know that I'm about to go into the law of attraction. You have to believe that what you want is already yours. No negativity, no cynicism, no crying. 

I don't really have much more to say about this because I'm currently exploring how to remain positive during trying times. I'd appreciate hearing people's feedback on this subject. Have you practiced what you've read in "the secret?" Has it worked for you? How do you overcome negative emotions? I'd love to know and I'm sure others would as well. 

"If you’re going through hell, keep going."