Friday, January 24, 2014

Be Kind

It's been a while since I've been inclined to write a post, despite me always having something to say. I've been inspired to write this entry due to a very heated conversation I was involved in with a few co-workers this afternoon and thought I should share. 

How do you feel about people who are less fortunate than you? When you see a person begging on the street do you belittle what you would consider their lack of effort for a better life? Or are you someone who doesn't care about the circumstances and just likes to give back? 

I have always understood that not everyone is like me- I am generous to a fault. If I come across someone who needs my help and there's nothing I can do, it puts a damper on my soul for a long time. My mom always tells me, "you can't save the world." I know that I've been blessed in many ways and even though sometimes my life isn't where I want it to be, I'm still in a much better place than a lot of people. What I didn't realize though, was the viewpoints that some people tend to have on those less fortunate. As we happened to stumble upon a conversation about helping someone who needs it, my coworker said that he doesn't understand why this person isn't "busting their ass" for their situation to change. To be honest, I don't feel there's anything more this person can do, it's just a life situation where she's doing all that she possibly can to make ends meet and it still isn't cutting it. 

This guy's response was something to the extent of, "I've always had to work to get what I wanted and I don't understand why I should give someone a hand out." I got a little offended by his comment just because it's very easy to judge something by what it seems. I gave him my own example of having graduated with a Master's degree nearly three years ago and just recently getting a job. I began applying for jobs since before I finished school, only to end up cleaning houses and babysitting kids just to have some cash because nothing was happening for me. You will only understand if you've been through it when I say that looking for a job can easily become a full time job. There were so many people around me who couldn't understand how on earth I was educated and unemployed and would go as far as to call me lazy or "entitled." The truth is, for every 20 applications I sent out, I would maybe get 5 responses, none of which were ever job offers. 

During the rest of our conversation it just dawned on me when he said "time is money" or "this world is full of evil people, so why should I be nice?" My heart dropped. I realized that we really are a product of our environment. This guy has apparently lived a pretty rough life and has unfortunately been around people who haven't been there to lend him a helping hand. He isn't a bad person, but he views the world in a completely different way. When he asked me why I do so much for the people around me I just answered, "because I want to." He then asked, "do you think they'd do the same for you?", and to be honest my answer is no. The thing with me is that I don't do anything expecting something else or the same in return. I really just do what I want. 

Please take some time to do good to the people around you. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle or hardship, no matter if they tell you or not. Don't let the nastiness of this sometimes very cruel world make you become insensitive to other people's feelings or situations. Just because you weren't given the help, don't deny that privilege to someone you come across because of your bitterness towards those who weren't there for you. One kind gesture can go a long way... and clearly no gesture can go just as far. It's time to start being nicer to people.

I leave you with this video that captured my heart last year and I will never forget this man. Keep this in mind next time you judge anyone's situation. 

In the words of Ellen DeGeneres, "be kind to one another."